
Although it appears as though lo-fi pop tinkerers Bleach Day have been in hibernation since 2016’s Where to Dream, the tandem of Vinny Marksohn and Lou Kiley have stayed busy by producing Wished Bone’s Cellar Belly, engineering Sparklesaurus’ self-titled LP, and writing, producing, and engineering their sophomore LP as if always. Now a 5-piece band, Bleach Day continues to lean into the same lo-fi pop formula that made their last LP one of Vermont’s most memorable debuts in recent years — but follow it up with additional years of experience, expertise and a more intentional vision. 

Due out in March, the group’s second home-recorded effort is a remarkably layered oddball-pop opus, boasting breathy vocals just a lung or two short of soulful, 70’s singer-songwriter-esque arrangements, slick anti-pop style guitar leads, clips of old cassette recordings, and a plethora of studio quirks. Over email, Bleach Day described some of the concepts and themes behind as if always.

The earliest vision for the record was that it would be some sort of cyclical journey that picks up right where Where to Dream left off. Where to Dream was more about relationships with others, but as if always is largely about the adventure of self-exploration and self-growth. It’s a cycle people go through over and over in life, and it bears exploring. As we were writing, we noticed similarly messy and non-linear processes playing out everywhere around us in nature — each a unique world of its own — lifecycles, seasons, and each and every day fading into night. Thematically, the record draws from all of that. Each song can be seen as a whole life, a season, or a day on that journey.



01 “daylilies”
02 “the calm”
03 “in limbo”
04 “talking in circles”
05 “solo”
06 “tru north”
07 “no wonder”
08 “bbs in the grass”

as if always is out 3/6 on Birdwatcher Records. Pre-order it here and pick up tickets to their release show at Burlington City Arts here.


Carson Ehlert, co-founder of hope all is well and just a guy, in general.